LDC is an online platform that helps educators design and manage their classroom curricula.

LDC - Courses Landing

Lead Designer | UX/UI Design | Visual Design


I became part of The Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) team after the release of their first online application, LDC CoreTools. The company was looking to re-align their overall product user experience and establish a unified design approach. Under id8, I was brought in to help solve several complex design issues and create a cohesive vision for their platform.


Two strategies needed to occur simultaneously in this engagement:

1.) Get the existing design + experience of CoreTools aligned across all areas of the application, and

2.) Define a new direction for the next generation of CoreTools and the additional products LDC planned to release.

I followed an evidence-based design approach which included: whiteboarding sessions; user research (interviews, on-site observations, surveys); lo + hi-fidelity prototyping; and rounds of design iterations that were reviewed weekly with the Product team as well as tested regularly with users.

LDC Curriculum (original)
Original Search Screen
LDC Module (original)
Original Curriculum Screen
LDC Skills & Instruction (Original)
Curriculum Screen (cont.)
LDC - Add Standards Lightbox (Original)
Original Modal Example


Since I was working with an existing application, I needed to first get an understanding of how the application was laid out — what was working well already, what wasn’t, etc. To do this, I conducted a Heuristics Evaluation.

Based on the outcome of that evaluation, I had a better idea of where I should first focus my attention.

Additional research methods were conducted throughout this engagement, including: user surveys, interviews, ethnographic studies, and focus groups.

LDC - Heuristics Evaluation
Heuristics Evaluation
LDC - Educator Survey
Educator Survey
LDC - Persona


LDC - Sketches
Sketching layouts
LDC - Whiteboarding
LDC - i3 New User Flow
User flows
LDC - Wireframes


LDC - Module Editor
Redesigned Curriculum Screen
LDC - Final Modal Add Standards
Redesigned Modal
Visual Design - Marketing Offsite Badge
Visual Design - Marketing Offsite Badge
Wireframe - Feature Intro
Feature Introduction Design
Results from User Testing
Results from User Testing
LDC User Testing Results - Stats
Stats from User Testing Results
LDC - Style Guide
Snippet from a Style Guide


LDC - CoreTools TT (nextGen)
Teaching Task Layout
LDC - Courses Landing
Courses Landing Screen
LDC - All-in-one Layout (nextGen)
All-in-one Layout Design Exploration
LDC - Teach tab (nextGen)
Teach tab (nextGen)
LDC - Teach tab w modal (nextGen)
Teach tab modal (nextGen)
LDC - Courses popOver
LDC - Courses popOver


As a designer, working on this project was incredibly rewarding. LDC's mission of seeking to ensure that every student in America graduates from high school with the literacy skills necessary for success in college and career is a necessary effort, and I was proud to be part of the team.

Although my time with LDC came to an end, their platform continues to thrive. I provided a design vision and methodology that LDC can continue to build upon as their product evolves.